What a summer it has been for us here at the flippers; weddings, new jobs, not to mention a relocating to a different country but God has been
immensely gracious in all of it!
However amidst all the chaos of the past few weeks I have acutely aware of Peters expression that Christians are 'elect exiles' (1 Peter 1:1), which means, that Christians are a foreign people in a
foreign land, we are all pilgrims walking together towards the Celestial city.
In my home church this has been illustrated by a series in the Psalms of Ascents (Psalm 120-134) where the Psalmist begins his journey in 120 amidst the pagans, far away from God and his people but finishes (134) in the presence of the Lord.
This means we
don't get too
comfortable in this world because there is a restlessness in each of our souls which longs to see the shores of our heavenly home. So we press on,
'keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the JOY set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God' (Hebrews 12:2).Lots of things have changed for the flippers in recent days but one thing remains, we press on, as that great cloud of witnesses cheers us on our way we press on so that we might hear the most glorious words in the whole universe:
"Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into you masters joy"
The Table Flippers