The Table Flippers

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The contributers to this blog are christians, many of whom are of the anglican tradition. Our aim is to give comment on the world around us, the church of which we are apart and above all, whether by word or deed, to do it all for the Glory of Jesus.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Life on the 'mainland'

As I inferred in a previous blog the tables flippers have all moved on to other spheres of ministry, one to a student organisation and another to church in Belfast. As for me I decided to move country and as of today I am a student at Oak Hill Theological College in north London.

I would be lying if i said this hasn't been a culture shock; already I see the pace of life so much faster than Northern Ireland, for example;
My journey to church yesterday evening involved 3 tube changes interspersed with a lot of running up and down stairs and at one stage nearly going the way of the prophet Isaiah, being rent asunder, albiet by the train doors!

Apart from that is has been an amazing experience so far and contrary to public opinion, English people are quite friendly (who knew!?).
God has been amazing gracious towards this table flipper in bringing me to Oak Hill, I have to pinch myself every now and again to make sure I'm not dreaming. I can't wait to get stuck in to college life and go deeper with Jesus in order that I might serve him better.